In mythology, Leo was a strong golden lion with a hide so thick, arrows could not penetrate his skin.
Leo symbolises a courageous heart, determination and willingness to fight for victory.
Leo is a constellation of stars in the heavens just as all the students at Eatons Hill State School are stars too!

In mythology, Draco was a fabulous dragon who guarded treasure with huge wings, good eyesight and a flaming tongue.
Draco symbolises awesome strength, toughness and a fighting spirit.
Draco is a constellation of stars in the heavens just as all the students at Eatons Hill State School are stars too!

In mythology, Phoenix was a glorious bird that laid its eggs in the ashes of a fire and lived for eternity.
Phoenix symbolises great persistent, aiming high and flying far ahead of the opposition.
Phoenix is a constellation of stars in the heavens just as all the students at Eatons Hill State School are stars too!

In mythology, Pegasus was a magnificent white stallion that carried the thunderbolts of the gods.
As a flyer, Pegasus symbolises great speed, power and freedom.
Pegasus is a constellation of stars in the heavens just as all the students at Eatons Hill State School are stars too!