
Bring Your Own Device


​​​Important Links​

App Lists for 2025​​​​​

Policy and documentation:




Belief statement:

At Eatons Hill State School the iPad is a portable tool that enhances a student's learning engagement and motivation to learn when delivering the Australian Curriculum.  The Australian Curriculum emphasises the significant differences inherent in learning in the 21st century. It is built around the development of a set of general capabilities: literacy, numeracy, Information Communication Technology (ICT) capability, creative and critical thinking, ethical understanding, personal and social capability, and intercultural understanding. 
The most critical factor in any classroom remains the teacher, the iPad is a teaching tool.  Our emphasis is on pedagogy: best practice teaching for the best outcomes for students. The iPad enables rich, personalised, high-order, collaborative and creative learning experiences. Its use enables optimal learning outcomes when used as an individual device and not shared.  The iPad is used as an inclusive learning tool that enables use by all students including those with disabilities and learning difficulties. 
The iPad enables a variety of learning activities such as drill and repetition, reference, productivity and creativity. Eatons Hill State School's core belief is that it must be used intentionally with carefully selected apps, thus creating a means to an end. The iPad is not intended to be used for the majority of any school day, nor for the majority of teaching within a specific learning area. 
The school believes that it is essential that all staff are given appropriate, ongoing professional development in how best to utilise the iPad in the context of a classroom, as well as given the opportunity to learn from each other.  

The management of an iPad at home (i.e. updates, downloads, charging, accounts, etc.) reduces the time taken away from teaching and learning at school.

Program implementation:

The BYO iPad Program runs form Years 2 – 6 with full BYOD classes across each year level.  EHSS has an equity program which allows students access to school owned iPads  during curriculum hours (9am – 3pm) if they are unable to provide their own device.  On average >96% of families purchase their own device.  The school owned machines will not be permitted to be taken home by students.

6Cs of ICT learning:


​Required apps:

All required apps are found on the Eatons Hill State School website and are organised by year level.  The selection of apps is based on careful consideration by the year level teaching teams in consultation with their relevant deputy and the EHSS ICT committee.  All apps have successfully completed a risk assessment process to ensure their validity as a safe learning tool.  If you have any questions about the apps please speak with the classroom teacher.  If you are having problems with downloading the apps please contact the EHSS Tech Team for support.    



If you need any support with the BYO iPad program please contact any of the following – 
Last reviewed 05 February 2025
Last updated 05 February 2025