Education Queensland is committed to ensuring that students have access to high-quality education services that meet their specific learning needs. The following information is an overview of the services that are available to students with additional support needs at EHSS.
The EHSS Support Team works with class teachers across P-6 to assist them to adjust and individualise programs, utilise resources effectively and to meet the needs of all students. Each of our Support Teachers has designated year level/s and classroom teachers with whom they work to assist in the provision of programs for students who qualify for learning support and special education programming. At EHSS we focus on supporting students within the classroom setting where students can be provided with direct links to the classroom curriculum, positive models of behaviour and social connections with peers.
Research suggests that adjustments and modifications of teaching and learning programs by the class teacher and presented in the classroom setting are the most influential means of supporting students with specialised learning needs
To assist with this the Support Team’s role is to:
identify and assist the classroom teacher with appropriate additional resources and strategies
work with teachers on how best to utilise Teacher Aide time in the room
provide insights and specialised knowledge to support teachers in understanding and meeting the needs ofstudents with disabilities and specific learning difficulties
deliver some specialised programming.
All of the services of the Support Team are accessed through the EHSS Support Referral Process.
The referral process
All EHSS Support Referrals must be supported by parental permission and completion of a Student Referral Form. Parents with any concerns should make contact with the class teacher in the first instance.
There are 5 stages to the referral process
In the initial stage, teachers begin data collection in the area of concern. This may include referencing student files, past teacher knowledge, standardised and informal class assessments and work samples. This assists the teacher to clarify the area/s of concern and trial adjustments and modifications to support.
At stage two, the teacher seeks informal support from colleagues and other support personnel in the school to trial additional strategies in the classroom or completes other assessments. It would be expected that conversations with parent/s/guardians around the teacher’s concerns would be completed.
At stage three, a formal referral form, parent permission and collection of data is presented at the weekly Support meeting by the class teacher. It is at this stage that the Support Team, along with the class teacher, determines the next course of action. This could include; adjustments to resources, adjustments to programming or planning in the classroom, recommendations to external agencies for assessments or support, assessments completed by specialists within the school setting or supports by personnel such as Teacher Aides.
Stage four recognises a recommendation for further assessment, analysis or intervention is required. This could be facilitated by a member of the Support Team or an external agency
Stage five indicates a student has met criteria for one of the five disability categories in Education Queensland and the Verification process will be underway. A Support Team member will assist staff and families with the Verification process and the Education Adjustment Plan. Stage Five can also indicate that an external agency is providing an intervention or support program for the student.
Guidance officer
A Guidance Officer supports the school on a part-time basis. Access to the Guidance Officer is through the EHSS Support referral process. Parents should consult their class teacher around accessing this service.
Guidance Officers focus on undertaking various assessments and can provide some short term assistance and support to students with high social/emotional needs. The Guidance Officer can provide up to four sessions of support in this area before they make further recommendations to parent/s / guardians.
The Student Support teams prioritises access to the Guidance Officer through the EHSS Student Support Referral process
Speech-language pathologist
A Speech-Language Pathologist visits the school one day per week to assess student’s speech and language and to provide home programs, recommendations and resources to teachers and therapy to a small group of students identified with high level speech and language needs.
The Student Support teams prioritises access to the Speech Pathologist through the EHSS Student Support Referral process.
Advisory visiting teachers
A number of Advisory Visiting Teachers (AVT) support students and their teachers in the areas of English as a Second Language (ESL), Hearing Impairment (HI), Physical Impairment (PI), Vision Impairment (VI) and Behaviour. Access to these services begins at the EHSS Support referral but often have other processes that also need to be followed.
Baseclub is a room in our school dedicated to providing a range of support options. It is negotiated with Support Staff for some students to be dropped off at Baseclub before school to ensure that they can prepare appropriately for school. Baseclub also provides a support area for students when they cannot fully participate in a school or classroom event.
At EHSS the Support Team also runs a Structured Play program in Baseclub each lunchtime. Here students can be a part of supervised activities focussed on developing play skills, skills for making and keeping friends and fine and gross motor skills. Access to these programs are negotiated with teachers, students and the Student Support Team.